Afrodescendant and Russian alliance frightens national security agencies worldwide

A critical report was released by a threat intelligence firm tied to American and European government intelligence and national security departments. The report, which mentions an Afrodescendant and Russian alliance, is said to have caused over 50 news articles and televised commentary. The report was written by Logically Intelligence which is a government “threat intelligence” research entity. This indicates an urgent need by concerned parties to stop the momentum of the alliance by discrediting what is really a fundamental human rights movement.

Geopolitical positioning is critical when warring in many ways with an enemy. The breakup of the Soviet Union gave the United States and her allies great geopolitical advantage. Now the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are attempting to score geopolitical victory by recruiting former Soviet territories into NATO thus encircling Russia. Until now the best position that Russia could get against the United States is when the Soviet Union allied with and equipped Fidel Castro of Cuba with nuclear missiles. Now Russia may be taking the best geopolitical position that any nation in opposition to the USA could ask for.

An alliance is building between Russians and the Afrodescendant population within the United States. Well-known Belgian geopolitical activist Luc Michel and human rights activist Ramzu Yunus have formed the Afrodescendants Russia association and subsequent North Atlantic Peace Organization (NAPO). The purpose of the organization is to create a peaceful multi-polar world that is not dominated by one nation which in turn uses its power to violate the human rights of people whenever it sees a benefit.

Luc Michel once stated that “the referendum is the weapon of the oppressed” in reference to oppressed people asserting their right of self-determination by holding their own vote to have political control independent of the oppressive government. Michel is the head of the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy and Elections (EODE) which observes such referendums and validates them according to international standards. EODE has monitored elections throughout the world including the referendums in Crimea and Donbas that gave birth to their independence.

National security circles are worried about the political disruption that an alliance advocating the right of self-determination could bring.

Ramzu Yunus started the Human Rights Policy Officers organization in the United States to teach human rights and help people to be able to enjoy those rights. The organization’s focus is to organize Afrodescendants to assert their right of self-determination in order to repair their condition and stop the abuses that they have been suffering at the hands of the United States government.

Human Rights Policy Officers became the first Afrodescendant organization to campaign and hold a vote for Afrodescendant independence. The process has suffered violent repression by the United States government causing the human rights organization to unilaterally declare independence in Detroit, Michigan. Thus the “Republic of Detroit” was formed. The provisional government of the Republic of Detroit is now building capacity to take total control of the territory as the United States forcibly denies the people from asserting their right of self-determination. That capacity needed can easily be achieved through an alliance with Russia.

Human Rights Policy Officers asserting the right of self-determination and putting the homeless in homes throughout the Republic of Detroit

Because of such common interests, the relationship between Luc Michel and Ramzu Yunus was begun. The United States’ and other nations’ intelligence departments had already expressed concern over Luc Michel’s suspected “Kremlin-tied” influential operations in Africa and Europe, but now the threat has hit American soil via collaboration with Ramzu Yunus and Human Rights Policy Officers.

Luc Michel with the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic which recently held a referendum to join the Russian Federation

The Unites States government tries to report as if Afrodescendants allying with Russia is illegal or bad but according to the 1970 Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States: “Every State has the duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peoples referred to above in the elaboration of the present principle of their right to self-determination and freedom and independence. In their actions against, and resistance to, such forcible action in pursuit of the exercise of their right to self-determination, such peoples are entitled to seek and to receive support in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter.”

“The report by Logically Intelligence was full of inaccuracies which doesn’t happen with research by such a well-funded government technological entity. That is a clear indication that it is deliberate deception or disinformation. The United States is engaging in such hybrid warfare to stop its inevitable fall because of its human rights violations. The international unity that has been created will continue to progress until Afrodescendants in the United States are enjoying our right of self-determination”, says Ramzu Yunus.

Ramzu Yunus at a press conference declaring a lawful liberation war against the forcible denial of the right of self-determination.

A military and political alliance such as the North Atlantic Peace Organization (NAPO) gives Russia and others a standing human rights army within the borders of the United States. This is in addition to the lawful right to militarily strike America if it forcibly denies Afrodescendants their right of self-determination. This is the worst position that the United States government could ever be in unless they simply choose to respect human rights.

One thought on “Afrodescendant and Russian alliance frightens national security agencies worldwide

  • February 15, 2023 at 7:12 pm

    “From Civil Rights To Human Rights” NC Standing Salute 1💚


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