USA Federal Agency Spreads Fear Of Looming Civil War Starting From Detroit

Former US Secretary of State Robert Lansing once warned that self-determination is “loaded with dynamite” and “What a calamity that the phrase was ever uttered! What misery it will cause!” Now United States government agents are repeating those same sentiments as they try to discourage assumed participants in a movement for Afrodescendant self-determination.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents have been detaining individuals throughout the United States to question and discourage their involvement with the movement’s initiator, Ramzu Yunus. Human Rights Policy Officer D. JahZulu was detained and interrogated by agents Brand and Irkman of the Detroit FBI office. “They told me that I should not associate with Ramzu and that he is going to start a civil war,” the human rights officer stated. He stated that he will remain with the movement for self-determination as long as it is lawful because it is the only solution that he sees will guarantee justice.

The FBI are not just detaining political activists but are targeting wealthy business people who have been associated with Yunus’ African investment ventures. One businessman relayed that he was detained at an airport. He stated that he was also warned of Yunus being on track to start a civil war. Ramzu Yunus who started the Human Rights Policy Officers organization responded, “we were formed to teach people about their human rights and help them to enjoy their human rights. We are making Afrodescendants aware of the fact that we do not have to continue grieving over injustice but can simply take independent political control over our areas based on our right of self-determination. If the government unlawfully opposes our right then we can lawfully engage in a liberation struggle/war. It would not be a “civil” war with other citizens but a “revolutionary” war against corrupt government that unlawfully tries to deny our right. Of course our preference is to come to a peaceful conclusion without need for altercation.”

Yunus and the Human Rights Policy Officers have had great success rallying the people of Detroit to vote for self-determination but have faced violent political repression at the hands of the government. Participants have been beaten by police and jailed. Voting rallies have been blockaded and unlawfully broken up by violence and threats by police forces. The mainstream media has been used for an unlawful defamation campaign and to spread fear of Yunus bringing danger to the city. Yunus was given an injunction to stop all political activities and was placed in jail for eight days until he had all of his social media accounts and YouTube channel taken down. He defied those illegal orders and reinstated the accounts immediately after release.

ABC News in Detroit featured a story about the government’s perception of Ramzu Yunus as dangerous.

Because of the popular support given to the independence vote and subsequent violent political repression, Human Rights Policy Officers unilaterally declared independence on July 4, 2021. Detroit is now called the Republic of Detroit by the organization and its supporters. Human Rights Policy Officers are currently planning and building capacity to take total control over the city which includes giving the hundreds of thousands of empty properties to the poor people who need them. Such a lawful takeover will only encourage others to do the same in over 1200 areas throughout the United States that have an Afrodescendant majority. The potential of that happening is the greatest worry of the government.

Yunus was violently taken down by police as cameras recorded at what was a peaceful assembly to vote for independence. The incident required Yunus to receive medical care.

Now that Human Rights Policy officers are working with the Eurasian Observatory for Democracy and Elections (EODE), government worries and scrutiny has increased. EODE has assisted in the independence of states such as Crimea, Abkhazia, Transdnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh, Donbas and others while its head, Luc Michel, is considered a tool of the Kremlin and avid Putin supporter. Yunus states that EODE is involved to monitor and attest that all actions taken to achieve self-determination are in accordance with the law and internationally accepted procedures.

In the meantime Yunus has been blocked from returning to the United States or the Republic of Detroit. Yunus says “victory in asserting our rights is inevitable and it can happen peacefully. It is only those that are opposed to justice that will create a war.”

One thought on “USA Federal Agency Spreads Fear Of Looming Civil War Starting From Detroit

  • September 8, 2022 at 4:27 pm

    The only comment or statement that I’m going to make is as follows.
    THEN WHERE?????????


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